Winter safety tips for Offices

  • 2 mins read

Winter Safety Tips for Offices 

Businesses conducting operations during the difficult winter months can face significant difficulties.
Fortunately, there are some easy things you can do to address winter weather issues and keep
clients and staff safe during the slips and falls season. It only requires a little forethought, attention,
and the participation of your team and business partners. Use the simplified checklist of the top
three wintertime safety suggestions, carefully made by DvaClean.

1. Salt the walkways
Among the best winter safety tips for retailers is to salt the sidewalks. One-third of avoidable injuries
and fatalities during colder months are related to slipping and falling. Before the upcoming winter
appoint some staff members to prepare your walkways.
Ensuring that there is never any snow or ice on the parking lot, walkways, or other exterior areas is
also important. To aid in improving the accessibility of public spaces, think about requesting similar
actions from nearby companies. In addition if necessary in the office, you should also advise workers
to drive carefully on their route to and from work.

2. Hazardous signs should be visible
OSHA (Occupational safety and health administration) has established guidelines and standards for
hazard signs, walking and working surfaces, and other safety-related matters. To warn people when
surfaces are wet or slippery, make sure all walkways are marked. As soon as a danger is detected,
warning signs should be put in place making sure they are visible to anyone passing by.

3. Safety reminder Posts
Expecting the staff to be aware of winter safety precautions simply increases the possibility of
accidents and injuries. Posting safety pieces of advice all over the office to encourage people to take
precautions is an important measure. When working outside, other staff can wear the offered
business coats or jackets on top and slip-resistant footwear.
A few cautions placed in toilets and other rooms might prevent someone from making costly
mistakes in the cold. The reminders should be laminated so they can withstand the winter weather,
including snow and rain.

Applying these Three measures to your workplace can ensure the safety of your employees and
colleagues. Request a quote now, from DvaClean to maintain your office clean during these winter